Saturday, December 12, 2009

30 Days Of Christmas In Love (Continued)

Readers: See Previous posts "30 Days"
for Days 1-15

Day 16

He is a GREAT Uncle.
My husbands nephew is being raised in a single parent home. Unfortunately, there is not a father in this boys life. So in many ways my husband has taken over the male parenting role for his nephew. Before I entered this post this morning my husband was sitting at our kitchen table trying to figure out how to attach 6 patches to his nephews Boy Scouts uniform for him and attempting to put a hem in the bottom of his uniform pants too. You might wonder why my husband was doing this instead of me....he is stubborn that way sometimes! Believe it or not, I think he actually enjoys doing things like this. It may sound funny, but I am sometimes jealous of my own children for having such a great Father! But I am touched by his devotion both to his own children and to his nephew.

Scripture Of The Day
But you Yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into Your hands. The helpless entrusts himself to You;
You are a helper of the fatherless.
PSALM 10 : 14


  1. I would be jealous too, but I have yet to come across a man who cares as much as your hubby. he not only cares for his brood but others too. He has a kind, gentle heart. Like I said you are so blessed. Hugs

  2. "I am touched by his devotion both to his own children and to his nephew."

    Love that! Wish this was an automatic, as it should be.

    Great post... keep em coming.
