Monday, December 7, 2009

30 Days Of Christmas In Love (Continued)

This is a series which began just before Thanksgiving and will end on Christmas. It is a sort of self-imposed penance. To see
Days 1-12 Please read previous posts "30 Days"

Day 13

He is a Thinker.

My husband knows a little bit about A LOT of things.
He is one of those people who is really good at "JEOPARDY". He follows the news and the world markets, religiously. So he is always knowledgeable and well informed on most things
. He likes to quote statistics and probabilities and things of that sort which I guess can seem kind of nerdy to some. In fact most of his friends and even some relatives pick on him for this, but I find it endearing.
I think that they are all just jealous!

Scripture Of The Day
This extraordinary knowledge is beyond me.
It is lofty; I am unable to reach it.
PSALM 139: 6


  1. ok I rather have a husband who knows more than I do, I'll feel safer. So much stuff regarding money management and economy I hate knowing, so I would prefer my other half to be aware.

    As for your laptop, guess you are spending too much time on it. Perhaps he would rather you spend time with him in the outdoors!! lol Blessings

  2. Hi, I'd like to share Lemonade award with you on my site. Hope you will pass them on.
    Hope your husband appreciates your tribute to him.
    God Bless

  3. AAM....Congratulations....I think you've got a bloke ( Aussie Strine for GUY) just like mine.....only much younger!!!
